"Observer Effect"- Remote Patient Monitoring -DailyWearForMedicine.com

By Ramana Annamraju Observer Reality- New Patient-centric Model by Ramana Annamraju Observer Reality is the most puzzling and unresolved mystery in physics. The one-hundred-year-old Double slit experiment shakes the foundation of reality itself. ( https://youtu.be/hRFQd_fkzws ) The Electrons, Protons, Neutrons are fundamental constituents of the entire matter that includes you and me. These particles act in mysterious and strange ways. One of the strangest things about them is that we do not know what the electrons are doing before observing or measuring. But they appear like magic when "You need ” them. Observer (you) plays a critical role in making a reality. Electrons come to existence as it “ needed”. That became the central theme of the electronic revolution, producing an array of gadgets like Radios, Televisions, computers, iPhones, etc.. I frequently use these words, " need" or “as it needed” or observer effect , to demonst...